This project has been funded by the European Commission. This publication reflects the views of the partner school, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any misuse of the information contained therein.
In November 2019, the project moves to the Mediterranean island of Sardinia, specifically to the town of Bosa. This coastal town, whose economy is based on tourism in summer; for the rest of the year, Bosa maintains traditional activities as the only way of life for its inhabitants.
The IIS “GA Pischedda”, in addition to being a general secondary education school, has several branches of studies for Vocational Training in the fields of Administration, Finance and Marketing, Hospitality and Tourism and the development of Agriculture. Thanks to the educational lines that are worked on in this school, the visiting students received training during their visit in terms of sustainable tourism. Together with the debates that were organized around this subject, they were able to understand the concept of sustainable tourism, why it is so important and how it can be achieved.

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The city surprised us by the beauty of its colorful houses and narrow cobbled streets, crowned by the Malaspina castle. On the other side of the river Temo, we visite the old tanneries that drove the economic activity of the town until well into the 20th century; nowadays they have turned into a museum which bears witness to the industrial heritage of Sardinia. Despite this allure, which is completed with long beaches with crystal clear waters and dreamy coves, it is surprising to see how this area of Sardinia, eclipsed by other more touristic ones, needs as much inspiration, work and enthusiasm as the rest of the project partners to fight against depopulation in the areas in which they are embedded.