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The school exchange activities carried out throughout the project have shown us the benefits that internalization provides to students of isolated geographical contexts. These experiencies of travelling abroad, one of the main objectives of Erasmus Plus actions, have been a source of inspiration and training to promote the work of schools as agents of sustainable and cultural development within their territories producing, therefore, an impact in the areas where they are settled.

The essential and ultimate goal of the project is to motivate our students focussing on what they know and love, offering them the tools to continue working and acting to improve their territories  using the passion they feel for the places where they have been born and lived.  The impact of mobilities has been fundamental in this way and will encourage students to search for future opportunities in their villages.  

We are concerned about the abandonment of the areas where our schools are nestled, so we hope that carrying out these kind of actions we may do our bit to revert the depopulation that is threatening to empty these places definitely.  

© 2020 EuroEnvironments. Erasmus Plus KA229

Erasmus Plus KA229

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