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Banner design "Say NO to violence against women"

On November 26, a protest ceremony was held in the town of Boñar as a commemoration of November 25, International Day for the elimination of violence against women. In each of the partner schools participating in the project, this issue was worked extensively and eventually, they developed a series of claiming slogans on the subject. Later, these slogans were sent to the coordinating center, the IES Pablo Díez from Boñar, which reflected these slogans on banners that its students decorated. These banners with their corresponding slogans, written in Polish, Italian, French and Spanish accompanied by the Erasmus + logo, were carried by the students of our IES in a demonstration that went through the streets of Boñar, along with another large banner produced by the spanish schools, several posters and drawings made by the students of the last courses of the CEIP de Valles of the same town and the banners of the Women´s Association from Boñar and the City Council. Once in the main square, a series of manifestos were read; It is of high importance to add that the presence and collaboration of the Erasmus + Euroenvironments project: the rural world as an opportunity for on-the-spot learning became evident.


The main objectives of this activity were to raise awareness about the social problem of violence against women, which unfortunately it is a scourge that all participating countries have in common; it also implied the beginning of common and coordinated work among the different schools without forgetting to mention that our project was disseminated our in a public event attended by about 300 people. Likewise, with the presence of our banners in the demonstration, we have given visibility to our project; thus, all the members of the town and all the authorities that participated in the march were informed about the financing of the European Union in our project in Action KA229 from Erasmus Plus.

The music of our countries

With the imminent arrival of our colleagues, coordinators of the Erasmus Plus KA229 project "Euro-environments: the rural world as an opportunity for learning" to the coordinating school IES Pablo Díez from Boñar, to take part in the First Training  Staff Event, all the students involved in the project chose what they considered the most representative songs of urban popular music in the history of their respective countries.  It is now advisable to explain that at IES Pablo Díez, the end and beginning of the different class sessions are signaled with music. In order to welcome our colleagues, and make them as comfortable as possible make a welcome as warm as possible, during their three-day stay  with us these chosen songs were played.Despite  the fact that it was an event for teachers, through these songs samples, we managed to involve our students and make them aware of the visit that was going to take place.

Track Name

Merry Christmas and
Happy New Year 2019

During the Christmas holidays, the youngest students from our French partner schools produced Christmas cards to send to the other partner schools.
We received these congratulations by post when we returned from our holidays and we exhibited those works, done with patience and affection, next to each of the Erasmus panels arranged in each of the remaining centers, after having been read by the students. With this activity, we managed to get a first acquaintance among the young people participating in the project, learn a little more about their culture and give visibility to the project through our Erasmus panel and through the social networks in which we publish some of the photos received.

Charla con Julio Llamazares

El 5 de abril de 2019 el centro coordinador, IES Pablo Díez, recibe la visita del escritor Julio Llamazares que charló con el alumnado sobre los dos libros que han sido objeto de los trabajos de aprendizaje basado en proyectos que alumnado y profesorado están llevando a cabo con el fin de mostrarlos a nuestros socios en la futura recepción Erasmus +. Os dejamos enlazada la noticia en la que el autor reivindicó "el orgullo de ser de pueblo".

Captura de pantalla 2024-02-06 125848.png
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