This project has been funded by the European Commission. This publication reflects the views of the partner school, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any misuse of the information contained therein.
Charitable picnic
For this 2019/20 academic year, it was proposed that each school should accomplish a charitable activity that had an impact on the unprivileged families in the area. Owing to the fact that local institutions have different rules in each country and that the idiosyncrasy of each population is evident, each country was to design its own action. For instance, in the town of Tarnobrzeg, a charitable picnic was held at the school on October 7, where families with the support of a local charity collected food for families in need. Later they held a picnic of coexistence in which they worked to make the distribution of the food among the unprivileged families that the local authorities have previously chosen throught a private census.
Erasmus Days 2019
Our Euroenvironments project joined the celebration of the Erasmus Days in October 2019 with a crystal-clear objective in mind: the dissemination within our community of the follow-up of our project. During two days inside the schools and a third day through social networks, an array of activities have been carried out in the partner schools:
- Pictures and presentations of the activities which have been previously done for the time being. The students and teachers of the schools shared some time together in front of these screens remembering and experiencing again feelings of belonging to the same project.
- Round tables have been organized to share the insights and lessons learned during the course of the project.
-Students have written messages on cardboard about their experiences in the course of the project that have been hung on the ceiling together with the Erasmus Days logo and the project logo. Some of the messages they wrote, anonymously, were really emotional and even heartbreaking and showed us the impact that mobility has had on some of our boys and girls who heartedly confessed that they felt more important and / or loved than ever during that week living with a host family.
- Dashboards showing pictures of the activities performed until now have been created to exhibit in the school halls.
- Typical dances from each area have been danced to disseminate the local folk culture.
In essence, each school has organized cultural and fun days in order to make all the work embedded in the project public for all the stakeholders and keep the spirit of Euroenvironments alive and kicking!!