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During the course of the first exchange, the students involved in the project met in the town of Tarnobrzeg, in Poland, being able to see first-hand the educational system of this country. The activities that were developed around the project were inspiring for everyone, students and teachers, since we had the opportunity to hear, from the mouth of their protagonists, how with imagination and effort life can be undertaken in rural areas. These inspiring meetings revolved around International Women's Day, since precisely the successful stories that our Polish partners proposed, came from entrepreneur women who dared to  start their business in the rural world. 

We listen to the story of Mrs. Angelika Rozmus, owner of a small factory and shop for chocolate products, who, hardly knowing how to cook, offers authentic jewels for the eyes and the palate in her small and cozy establishment.  


Mrs. Agnieszka Dziekan also shared her story with us; she is a resilient woman who never failed to follow her dreams and after so many entrepreneurial failures, she  has finally set up a leisure center for young people in Tarnobrzeg; inside her leisure centre, a small skating rink stands out where artisan skates are rented four-wheeler whose manufacture employs another small local company. 

Knowing these stories of creativity and improvement was tremendously motivating for the participating students.

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Activities were also carried out around the International Day of Happiness. On the one hand, heterogeneous groups of students painted large murals expressing their concept of happiness in an abstract way. On the other hand, the results of the surveys carried out in each school were shared  in order to analyze the impressions they sense about living in happy environments. (Results in the 2018-19 activities section)

Thanks to the activities carried out throughout that glorious week, we were able to get to know  and appreciate the environment which surrounds us, its potentialities and its shortcomings. The students made proposals for entrepreneurship in the area that could be imported to the rest of the localities in which the partner schools are located.


Apart from the acquisition of new learnings in relation to the subject of the project, it was a very positive experience for the personal development of the participating students as well as for the improvement of their linguistic competence.

The mobility was completed with visits to the most outstanding heritage sites in the area and a visit to the city of Krakow, which contributed to the cultural enrichment of all attendees.

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