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IIS "GA Pischedda", Bosa, Italy


Bosa, where the IIS "GA Pischedda" is located, is a tourist town in the province of Oristano, on the northwest coast of Sardinia. It is a secondary school with 96 teachers, 57 administrative staff, assistants and technicians and 600 students between 14 and 19 years old.

It also works as a vocational school in the classical, scientific, administrative, finance and marketing branches, services for agriculture. It also has a boarding school and a farm.

The institute has wide experience in cross-border activities,  being internationalization one of its main educational lines.

The area has great environmental and natural resources that have not been developed, so it is in a worrying socio-economic situation. It requires actions to improve cultural heritage, the incorporation of professionals and specific services for tourism and its industrial system. Unemployment levels are high and the population is suffering from an aging process with a low rate of graduates. The teachers and students of the school, most of whom have never left Sardinia, need to know other realities in order to develop personally and take actions to improve the area they live in.

All these reasons have led the center to join EUROENTORNOS

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